Here we go again. Doggie case packed up on the Friday night, Bottled drinks and food out on the kitchen worktops. IT'S SHOWTIME!
Saturday morning about 8am - into my cage in the van and off we go. We are heading to Bath - or actually somewhere near it, where the Bath Championship Dog Show is being held. Bath? Shower more like. Lots of them, torrential - all the way up the M4, and all day when we were there.
On a nice day it would be a good venue. Loads of nice green flat fields, and the benching and rings were spacious too. But Saturday they could have replaced us with World War 1 soldiers and fought the Somme there. It was unbelievable. The acres of car parking space were just a morasse of reddish mud. Not too noticeable on a toller's ginger bits but unless they were carried in, not a toller went into the benching area with any white paws visible. There were tollers everywhere being washed down from bottles, dried off, as bit by bit white socks became visible again and our breed was recognisable.
I was in the Post Graduate class - yet again - and after being bombed out in my last two shows Mam was none too hopeful about my chances. She has been evolving some new tricks to try and perk me up in the ring because, frankly, what am I getting out of it? Can you eat a certificate or a rosette? Yes - but they are nowhere near as nice as a sausage. And so Mam had decided to use the best means she knows of getting me interested - FOOD. And it's working. If I know there's a treat in her pocket that I'm going to get into my mouth soon - I'll do anything.
Even Dad saw some of the new me - and liked it. And it paid off because I (or rather Mam) was given a red card, which she seemed really pleased with. So I got an extra treat and a hug.
A little bit later I had to go back in with a couple of other boy dogs and do my stuff again. And Mam was given yet another card but a green one, for Best of Sex in Breed. Mam, Dad and lots of other people very happy with me now. Where's my food?
Then there was a longer break for me and I had to go back in to see that judge for a third time - and this time there was a young lady toller in with me. In fact she'd been on the next bench to me so we were already quite friendly. Blimey - what's going on? Another red card and a rosette and this time everyone's coming up to Mam and saying well done. What did she do? Dad even gives her a kiss. Where's mine you heartless so-and-so?
So that's really what happened. I got nowhere late in the afternoon in what they call the Group, but do I seem bothered?
Getting out of the car park was fun, skidding all over the place and mud flying everywhere. The van was in such a state that when we queued at the Severn bridge, people in the cars each side of us were pointing and laughing.
What a day!
Family are getting a toller - want to see one |
Nice toller next door to me |
Posing with Mam |
Chilling with Mam |
Best Dog, Bitch and Puppy |
Time for refreshment |
In action in the Group 1 |
In action in the group 2 |
Happy but Tired - home |
And a video link to see him looked fab in the main ring!
(I somehow got picked for the intro of this film, plus you can see the judge going over me at 20m53s to 22m05s. Also - bombed out at 35m23s. Think I got a little too excited with the promised treats but hope to settle down in future).