Sunday, 30 August 2015

Rana at 10 months

Thank you to Rana's family for sending in this photo of her.  She is turning into a gorgeous girl and is a credit to them.

Thursday, 27 August 2015

Trio Puppies!!

Time to share the news that Trio has been confirmed in whelp - well she was scanned a few weeks ago now and we've let some people know but have enjoyed keeping the news 'in the family' so to speak!

Puppies are due mid September, and this is the much wanted Alfie (Raycris Quite the Charmer) litter that we have wanted to so long.  Trio is looking fantastic, huge - not that it's slowed her down much yet. 

We have set up a blog dedicated to her and the litter, rather than take over the general news here. 

The link below will take you there for any further news;

Trio with her 'mummy tummy'

Monday, 10 August 2015

Dog Shows, Household in Turmoil and Being a Goof

Rookie thought it was about time he spent his pocket money on a couple of dog shows, so we have done Paignton and Bournemouth championship shows this year.

Seahaven's Celtic Commander of Hartenziel

Paignton Ch. Show was a lovely day, really nice to see everyone again and catch up, and of course Rookie enjoyed all the mingling.

He took 2nd place in his class to a really mature boy, so I was really pleased with that.

All of us were happy to be back home on the moor after the show

Unfortunately, then our bitch came into season, and our boys' brains have turned to mush! Rookie was quite chilled during her last season, and our other entire male was quite loopy throughout. Bit different so far, Rookie seems to remember what's brewing and fancies his chances (in his dreams), and Tor is only mildly loopy. We are really lucky with our boys, in that they all got on really well throughout last time, and I can only hope that continues this time. We make sure they stay together throughout, and they have never so much as exchanged a cross glance, such good boys. Well, except Chance, our castrated boy, who lives his life bearing a cross glance! But no one pays him any notice!

Regardless, I decided to venture to Bournemouth Ch. Show- not been to this show before, and it was the HOTTEST day I can remember in a long time. We were all baked to a crisp by the time we got in the ring, but again it was really great to see everyone, and also to meet some more people in the breed and their dogs.

Rookie found it hard to concentrate in the ring; one of his local girlfriends was there (her first show) and had just come out of season too, poor lad didn't know what to do with himself! But our judge was really nice and patient and awarded Rookie 1st in Post Graduate Dog and then he went on to take Reserve Best Dog.

So that's us done on the showing front this year, save for a few open shows.
In real life news, Rookie has mostly been:
Having an unexpected photo shoot (complete with sting between the eyes and unkempt manly locks).....


Falling asleep holding crochet turtles....
Playing with puppies.....

Showing puppies around obedience shows..... (Don't tell anyone but Rookie did an actual real life sit stay at this show.) Poppy the goldie puppy was a bit scared of big, daft Rookie to begin with, but soon realised what fun he could be.

Visiting the incredibly special Libby (Seahaven Olympic Vindicat) and her equally special mum....

Spending a few weeks looking after his handsome bud Toller Baloo.....

And just generally being a very happy boy :)
Well done to all of the recent Seahaven successes, both ginger and spotty, and keeping everything crossed that Trio has some beautiful, healthy babies to make me broody again.
Jess and Rookie

Thursday, 6 August 2015

Trio and Eve with this year's rosettes

                                                   Trio with her rosettes from this year

                                                  Eve with her rosettes from this year

Wednesday, 5 August 2015

National Gundog Association Championship Show

At the last minute we decided to all go to NGA and stay for a few well deserved break for us all.

We travelled to Malvern on the Friday after a great day celebrating Christopher's birthday, as a result we didn't arrive until about 9.00 pm.  We had changed the caravan a few months ago and hadn't taken the new one out yet, although we had given the awning an airing (we didn't put it up completely, just checked it was all there).  The awning was much more complicated than our last one, and took some effort to sort it out when we couldn't find the instructions - as usual they turned up the following morning and it was a relief to know that we were correct!

What we couldn't sort out was the heater!  We gave up at 11.30 and fell into bed with the heating on!  The windows were left open and the door as it was so hot!  Thankfully in the morning it was sorted out, a relief as it was a scorching day.

On Sunday we then went to NGA only had Trio (Seahaven Borrowed Heaven) and Eve (Seahaven Parish Bell) entered, leaving Tilly and Maddie at the caravan with the men.  The JHA semi finals had been moved to NGA for the first time and both Tasha and Eleanor had qualified.  They did extremely well in a huge class (29) but didn't get placed.

Both breeds were 2nd in the ring so we had quite a bit of a wait and a chance to catch up with friends.


Tasha handled Cooper (Seahaven Galactic Storm) to a 3rd place in a strong limit class.  Tasha was handling for Dawn who is recovering from a broken foot.

Eleanor then handled Eve in PGB to a 2nd place in a strong class, then she won the Limit class!  So delighted as she has now attained her KC Stud Book Number, the same show where her brother (Cooper) attained his last year!

Large Munsterlanders

Trio was then entered in her breed classes coming away with two 3rds in Limit and Open in some strong company.  Absolutely delighted with how she is doing at the moment, we're hoping that this will be her last show for a while as we hope she will be on maternity duties soon!

YKC Handling

The girls then went on to be placed in the handling with Tasha gaining a 4th and Eleanor a 5th place.

A few days then just relaxing and finding some lovely walks with stunning views in the Malvern, and we even went and watch a band playing in the park with the dogs!