Saturday, 2 November 2013

Llanelli Open Show and Eve's Handling Debut.

Today was Llanelli Eve's debut in Junior Handling with Eleanor.  Eleanor has partnered Maddie and Trio for the last few years but was keen to have Eve as her own dog to compete with now.  Lots of hard work has been undertaked to ensure that Eve was confident with all of the aspects that are expected of them, and Eleanor has made sure that she hasn't rushed her.

Well the hard work really paid off, Eve didn't put a foot wrong in the two classes that she was entered into.  She really was foot perfect, even when Eleanor and another handler were asked to do pair work.  Eleanor has not done much of this work before as it doesn't normally happen in her category.  Eve bless her hadn't done any at all, but was so responsive to what Eleanor asked of her.

She was awarded a 3rd in the JHA class, and 2nd in the YKC!  Just missed out on qualifying for Crufts, as only 1st place qualifies, sadly the winner had already qualified and the qualification doesn't automatically roll down.  Such a shame but such a good start to her handling career.

Not to be outdone Natasha had Tilly for the older category and won the JHA class with her!!

No breed classes but Eve was Best Gundog AVNSC puppy and Tilly had a 3rd in Open AVNSC. 


  1. Super news, excellent results for the girls and the dogs, very well done Eleanor and Natasha! Shame about the Crufts qualification but I'm sure they have a very bright future ahead of them :)

  2. Sorry I wasn't there to see it but excellent effort by girls and dogs again. That's a really promising debut performance by Eve and Eleanor in particular and bodes well for future shows for the pair of them.


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