Saturday 26 May 2012

Bath Champ Show

The weather was hot, hot, hot!!!

Great day was had by all, and lovely to meet up with friends old and new. 

It was great to meet up with Lucy and Milly, Tilly hadn't seen Milly since she left the litter last year (we have though!).  Milly had a 2nd place in the breed puppy bitch class, and Tilly had a VHC in Post Grad.

Milly being awarded her 2nd place

Mother and daughter

For the munsters, Trio won Post Grad and Maddie had a 2nd in the Open breed class.  Maddie was called back in for the best bitch award and was given the reserve best bitch.  We have come home rather pleased.

In addition to this we had a 3rd in the Brace class with the munsters, and Tasha had  3rd in the Junior Handling class.

Now looking forward to a nice quiet evening.

Sunday 20 May 2012

Busy,busy, busy!!

Well the weather has improved tremendously, and we've managed to get out and about a bit easier.

Agility training outside is now well under way.  I do seem to have lost Maddie to Eleanor though, on the plus side they are working well together. 

We have attended a few local show over the last two weekends and both Tasha and Eleanor have both had a win in the junior handling classes, Christopher picked up a third in the older age category. 

Lucy and Milly attended Coventry and District show today and they won the Any Variety puppy class.  Well done to them both.

We have finished the week with a lovely walk down on the beach.  A firm favourite with the dogs and the children!

Friday 11 May 2012

The National Dog Show

Well the journey was worth it!  Five hours each way, with the satnav deciding to be tempermental was not easy.  A nine year old navigating made for an interesting journey!

We arrived just as the Junior handling was nearing completion and the steward kindly allowed Tasha to take Trio in, minus a ring card as we had run from the car to the ring.  They both did really well, and been hurried into the ring didn't help, but they came away with a 3rd. 

At least we had some time to gather our thoughts before the breed judging, time to settle the dogs and collect our things from the car.  Tasha handed Trio in the post graduate breed class, a large quality class and came 2nd! 

Tilly was also entered in the post graduate breed class, and she had a 3rd.

Really pleased that we decided to travel to take part in the German Breed Festival, where all German breeds at the show have a German breed specialist judge.

Tilly -  so happy to be out and about!

Today the girls (cannine at least) are having a relaxing day.  The other girls are in school!

Monday 7 May 2012

Aberystwyth Show

Well we had a lovely day at the show today, quite hectic after staying away overnight for a party!

Trio was second in the graduate breed class, with Maddie winning the open.
Tilly had a second in the AVNSC open, with the winner winning the gundog group.

Tasha won the junior handling class, and has now qualified for the finals at Crufts 2013.

A great day, seeing some old friends, and with the dogs and children being a credit to us.