Monday 11 March 2013

A long day at the office!

So that's what all the upheaval in my routine was about.  Crufts indeed! Though I must say I enjoyed it.  But first let me tell you how I got there.

In my last post you heard about my bath and my "lock in" at home.  On the Friday evening I heard Mam getting a case from the loft, then I saw her getting my special lead and treats out of my very own kitchen cupboard.  I may be young but I'm not dull.  Seen this before and it either means showtime or holiday time - either way I was like a dog with two tails.

It was only 4.30am on Saturday morning and my Dad came to wake me up - or so he thought.  Surprise, surprise though 'cos I was already at the door, tail wagging.  Very early breakfast (1/2 rations unfortunately) then a constitutional walk with Dad which was more of a shuffle really because his back was hurting him!  By the time I was back I could see the case and bags were gone.  I knew Mam had sneaked them into the car.  Won't be long now! Then off we go!!  Picked up my human brother Adam in Glynneath then way to go.

Birmingham at 7.45.  People and dogs EVERYWHERE.  Go into a big hall and there are tollers all over the place.  I love it here!  Lots of female tollers too - even better!  Glad I let Mam groom me now - first impressions are so important in my world.  I have my own bench to cwtch up on but I don't intend staying there for long when there's so much to explore. Then before I know it I'm in the showring.  Loads of tollers in here - all male though - and all about my age I can tell. Testosterone everywhere.  A nice man in a suit came to speak to me and stroke me and then Mam ran up and down with me.  Not this again!  I'm so, so BURSTING to get rid of this pent up energy in me and as Mam runs faster I jump up at her.  She's not happy with me for that, but hey, I'm a toller - what do you expect.

She makes me line up with all the others, then the nice man points to one, two, three, four tollers - then my Mam.  She seems really happy with me now.  Perhaps I should jump on her more often!  Everyone that knows me seems dead chuffed too, so yes, definitely will jump on her again!!

                                          Nice man gives a card to my Mam

After that I chilled out - Mam and Adam let me meet my dog Mam, Tilly and my littermate Milly.  That was really nice 'cos I love a family get-together.  Lots of people came to see me through the day - Sean and Donna and the children, Lucy, Ange, Jane (my real Dad's owner), David and Rachel - who I took to the pub in Little Haven, and Gina.  These were the ones I knew - there were loads more!

Then eventually home.  A nice big bit of liver cake, make a fuss of my Dad and then I collapsed into a heap on the floor!

Sweet dreams!

Love to all



  1. Cooper looked great and is a credit to you both, thanks for bringing him along and for qualifying him in the first place.

  2. Well done big lad :-) it was all very exciting for you and I was so proud to see you get pulled out x The competition was stiff and despite bouncing about the judge clearly liked what he saw!


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